10 questions with Rhiannon Trimboli
What’s your name? Rhiannon Trimboli
What branch does your spouse serve in? Unites States Marine Corps
How long has he or she served? 7 years next month(August 2017)
How many times has he or she deployed (if at all)? 3
How many times have you PCS’d? Twice. Both were cross country moves. You really learn a lot about each other when you move and learn new surroundings together.
How many children do you have? One
What are some of the things you’ve done to help your children cope with the challenges – moves, deployments, etc – of military life? Our daughter is only one so we haven’t had to deal with much of this with her yet. Facetime has been a lifesaver when he has been gone though. It’s nice for her to not just hear his voice but also see him while he’s gone.
Finish this sentence. My kids will be better for being part of a military family because…She will grow up making friendships that are for life even after moves. Military friends become family. She also will have a greater appreciation for the time we do get to spend with her dad.
Any advice for the children of military families? Military life is hard and no one will fight you on that. Lean on other military children who know what you’re going through. Embrace change when it happens and focus on the good.
Bonus Question:
What’s your favorite camouflage pattern? Tri colors
This interview is brought to you by Sgt. Sleeptight – defender of sweet dreams for the children of military families.
- Justin Baum
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